Pages: 622-626
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
French Language Questionnaires Assessing Burnout Among Caregivers: a Literature Review
Author: A El Kettani, Z Serhier, M Bennani Othmani, M Agoub, O Battas
Category: JMSR Psychology
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The aim is to present a review of tools, validated in French, assessing burnout among caregivers. The search was performed on databases: Medline, Web of Science and Sciencedirect. The questionnaires assessing burnout among caregivers that have a valid French language version were included. Psychometric properties and measured concepts have been described. We have found six questionnaires: the Staff Bunout Scale for Health Professionals, the Burnout Measure and its short version, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory and the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. They can be used in our Moroccan context but with socio-cultural limitations.
Keywords: Burnout, Caregivers, French language version, Questionnaires
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