Pages: 583-591
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
Endometrial Receptivity on Endometrial Polyp with Polymorphism PROGINS
Author: Wirasti CR*, Djaswadi D, Sadewa AH, Indwiani A
Category: Research Article
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Introduction: Women with primary infertility eumenorea during infertility examination have endometrial polyps. Their effect on endometrial receptivity is assesed by pinopode expression at mid luteal phase. Progesterone receptor gene polymorfism (PROGINS) seems have a correlation with impairment of endometrial growth inducing polyp.
Method: Cross Sectional Study, Gynecology Jakarta Fertility Centre, from July 2015 - July 2017, primary infertility woman with endometrial polyp was recruited for this study.
Intervention(s): In this study the patients undergoes transvaginal ultrasound, saline infusion hysterosonography, hysteroscopy procedures and endometrial biopsy to evaluate the pinopode expression and cytology examination of the polyp, along with blood sample collection for determined the PROGINS polymorphism.
Result(s): 41 patients undergoes hysteroscopy procedure dan endometrial biopsy. Pinopode expression negatif in 23.8%, isolated 31%, scattered 38%, clustered 3%. no significant correlation on polymorphism PROGINS T1T1 homozygot (92,1%); T1T2 heterozygot (7.9%)was observed.
Conclusion: Pinpode expression is a reliable marker for endometrial receptivity and PROGINS polymorphism can be used to determine increased risk of endometrial polyp.
Keywords: Endometrial Polyp, Pinopode expression, PROGINS polymorphism
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