Journal of Medical and Surgical
Research (JMSR)


Pages: 250-251

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Spontaneous Subcapsular Kidney Haematoma Secondary to Segmental Renal Artery Aneurysmal Rupture: a Rare Case Report

Author: K. Fahd, Y. Lazguet, T. Mhanna, M. Aynaou

Category: JMSR Nephrology

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Spontaneous subcapsular kidney hematoma is a rare clinical condition with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. The segmental renal artery aneurysmal rupture is a very exceptional aetiology. Renal angiography, performed in haemodynamically stable patients, shows the origin of bleeding and allows embolisation. We report the case of a 54 year’s old patient managed conservatively by selective arterial embolisation.


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