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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd">
      <JournalTitle>Journal of Medical and Surgical Research</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Vol. I, n 2 </Volume-Issue>
      <Season>December, 2014</Season>
      <ArticleType>JMSR Surgery</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Radical Surgery for Liver Hydatid Cyst</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Hadj Omar El</FirstName>
      <Abstract>Background and aims: Surgery is the basic treatment for liver hydatid cyst (LHC). Radical procedures (pericystectomy (PK) and hepatic resection (HR)) offers better results in selected cases cases than conservative approaches. Aims of this study were to evaluate the results of Radical surgery for LHC and and to determine witch of these two procedures is safe in experienced hepato-biliary surgical unit in endemic countries. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 143 patients with liver hydatid cyst who underwent radical procedures at a single surgical department in an endemic country were reviewed. Mortality, morbidity and recurrence rates have been analyzed. Results: Thirty-two patients (22.4%) had a HR and 111 patients (77.6%) had a PK. Mortality rate was 1.4% (n=2) in HR group. Overall morbidity rate was 18.9% and vs 28.1% respectively in PK and HR group (p=.26). Postoperative bleeding occurred in 1.8% in PK group vs 3.1% in HR group (p=.535) and specific LHC operative complication occurred in 17.1% in PK group vs 28.1% in HR group (p=.167). Recurrence rate of LHC was 6.3% in PK group vs 6.6% in HR group (p=.999) after a median follow up of 108 months (54-144) vs 89 months (44-135) respectively. Conclusion: Radical surgery for LHC is safe. Each of PK and HR had a specific indication. A good screening of patient__ampersandsign#39;s guarantied a good outcome.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Liver, Hydatid Cyst,Morocco, Radical Surgery</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.journal-jmsr.net/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=4694&amp;title=Radical Surgery for Liver Hydatid Cyst</Abstract>
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