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      <JournalTitle>Journal of Medical and Surgical Research</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Vol. I, n 1 </Volume-Issue>
      <Season>June, 2014</Season>
      <ArticleTitle>Journal of Medical and Surgical Research: A New Star is Born!</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>While the visibility of universities__ampersandsign#39; scientific production has been a real concern in emerging countries, including Morocco (PubMed ranked it first in the Maghreb and 5th in Africa), it seems imperative for countries of the Mediterranean area to publish in the language of Shakespeare.&#13;
Thus the new reform of medical studies expected for 2015, will anchor the use of English as a tool of communication and research in both electronic and paper publishing...</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Journal of Medical and Surgical Research, Morocco,Publishing,Research</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.journal-jmsr.net/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=4478&amp;title=Journal of Medical and Surgical Research: A New Star is Born!</Abstract>