Pages: 652-659
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Does Family Functioning Influence The Health-Related Quality of Life of HIV-Infected Patients?
Author: Stephen Adesope Adesina, Isaac Olusayo Amole, Adewumi Ojeniyi Durodola, Olufemi Timothy Awotunde, David Akintayo OlaOlorun, Adenike Adeniran, Louis O. Odeigah
Category: JMSR Pathogens
BACKGROUND: The family represents concentric circles of an individual’s social surroundings and holds immense potential for strength and support during times of need and crisis, like HIV-infection presents. Understanding the relationship between family functioning and HRQOL for an individual with HIV/AIDS may improve the care process and outcome for such individuals.
AIM: To determine the level of HRQOL among HIV-infected patients, and examine the effects of family functioning on HRQOL.
METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study of 61 HIV-infected patients aged 18 years and older selected using the systematic random sampling was conducted from January 2014 to March 2014 in the Antiretroviral (ARV) Clinic of the Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso. The abbreviated version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire for HIV (WHOQOL-HIV BREF) and the General Functioning scale of the Family Assessment Device were used to collect data on HRQOL and family functioning respectively. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0, and presented as descriptive and inferential statistics.
RESULTS: The mean age of the 61 respondents was 37.1±8.1 years and 43 (70.5%) of them were females. The mean HRQOL scores were high (?15.0) in all domains except the Spirituality/Religion/Personal beliefs, (SRPB) domain where the mean score was medium (14.5±4.2), indicating a good HRQOL in virtually all the domains. Family functioning had a positive and statistically significant effect on Physical (p=0.009) and Social relationships (p=0.041) domains of HRQOL.
CONCLUSION: Although the sample size was small and further studies are needed to ascertain the findings, this study nevertheless, demonstrated a high HRQOL for most HIV-infected respondents except in the SRPB domain, suggesting the need for more concerted effort to reorientate patients and the general public on the course of HIV infection when appropriately treated, so as to allay their undue fears about the disease. Strategies to improve family functioning are also encouraged, owing to its positive influence on HRQOL.
Keywords: Family functioning, HIV, Patients, Quality of life (Qol)
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