Elephantiasis of The Penis Revealing Lymphogranuloma Venerum: a Case Report and Literature Review
Author: M. Asseban, Y. Essatara, O. Fahsi, H. El Sayegh, A. Iken, L. Benslimane, Y. Nouini
Category: JMSR Surgery
Introduction. Lymphogranuloma Venereum is a sexually transmitted disease due to Chlamydia trachomatis belonging to groups L1 - L3. The transmission can be direct by sexual contact or indirect. The disease is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. It occurs most often in the form of inguinal adenitis satellite of the initial chancre may go unnoticed. Genital elephantiasis is a complication.
Observation. We report the case of a patient aged 46 years having as antecedent treated pulmonary tuberculosis in 2005 and then for a relapse in 2006. He had unprotected intercourse and had since 2005 a swelling of the penis with the presence of fistulas. Clinical examination revealed bilateral inguinal lymph nodes. The biological and radiological assessment made allowed to withhold the diagnosis of Lymphogranuloma Venereum. Adequate medical treatment was introduced. The evolution was favorable.
Conclusion. Sexually transmitted infections Chlamydia trachomatis in Lymphogranuloma Venereum must be screened to avoid their complications. The prognosis is favorable if the treatment is early. Elephantiasis is irreversible. The research and possible treatment of sexual partners are important elements in the management of these patients.