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Pages: 599-610

Human Papillomavirus and Oral Cancer: Systematic Review 

Bouzoubaa Sidi Mohammed, O. Medaghri Alaoui, HS Najeh, I. Benyahya

Category: JMSR Oncology

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Aim: The cause-and-effect relationship between human papillomavirus (HPV) in oral cavity carcinomas and potentially malignant lesions continues to be controversial. Objectives: The main objective of this work is to demonstrate this cause-effect relationship between HPV and oral cavity cancers as well as to identify the types of HPV involved in malignant oral diseases.

Materiels and methods: Our research was conducted using PubMed via Medline, Science Direct and SciVerse Scopus and we have selected studies that date back 10 years. Eligible studies included case-control clinical studies and cross-sectional studies. Our work is based on 20 clinical studies, 3 of which are cross-sectional and 17 are case-control studies.

Results: Of the 20 studies selected, 14 of 20 studies confirm that HPV is an important causative factor for the development of oral carcinomas, especially high-risk HPVs, HPV16 and HPV18, while 6 studies suggest that there is no relationship between the presence of HPV and oral malignant lesions.

Conclusion: The results suggest a significant causal association between HPV and oral carcinomas, but this does not preclude the need for prospective studies on young non-alcoholic-tobacco patients.

Keywords: Human Papillomavirus, Etiology, Lesion, Tumor., oral cancer


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