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Pages: 403-409

Cancer Incidence in Northern Central Moroccan Patients

Hajar El Hilali, Fatiha El Hilali, Mustapha Samih, Fatiha Laziri.

Category: JMSR Oncology

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Purpose: Cancer remains a major health problem around the globe. Therefore, more efforts are needed to understand trends, causes, and distribution of cancer to control cancer epidemiology. The objective of this research was to investigate the association between cancer incidence and demographic and clinical data in Meknes, Morocco, North Africa.

Methods: A number of 1380 cancer patients were studied at the Oncology Center of Meknes, Morocco. The correlation between cancer incidence and demographic and clinical data were conducted using Sample Power for Statistical Power package.

Results: There was higher proportion of females among cancer patients. The 5 most common sites of cancer diagnosed in this population sample were: the breast cancer, followed by cervix, colon-rectum, bronchus and lung. The average length of treatment is 123.76 days. 45.3% of the patients were treated with chemotherapy. A significant (p?0.05) association was found between cancer incidence and gender, age, cancer site, length of treatment, and type of treatment.

Conclusions: These significant associations between cancer incidence and demographic and clinical data will significantly contribute to our understanding of cancer incidence in this area as this study is the first report within population. This study will help for disease control, prevention, and management.

Keywords: Cancer incidence, Cancer site, Clinical data, Demographic data


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