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Pages: 461-463

Dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans of the breast skin simulating mammary carcinoma:
A case report

K. Serrar, I. El kari, M. Tbouda, Y. Chaoui, O. Azdad, A. Jahid, F. Tijami, H. Hachi

Category: JMSR Oncology

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Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is an uncommon slow growing neoplasm of the dermis with tendency to invade the subcutaneous tissues. Usually, it behaves as an intermediate grade malignancy but in rare instances, it can metastasize. It presents in the middle age of life and frequent occurrences have been observed in trunk and extremities but involvement of the breast has rarely been reported. Pre-operative diagnosis with mammography, ultrasonography and fine-needle aspiration cytology is challenging. Histomorphology and immuno- histochemistry are helpful in making a definitive diagnosis.

We report a case of a DFSP of the left breast in a middle aged lady. The diagnosis was posed by histological and immuno- histochemistry studies of a biopsy of the breast skin lesion (colored plaque); Tumor cells show strong reactivity for CD34 antibody. The patient is programmed for a wide local excision.

Keywords: CD34 antibody, Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, Neoplasm of the dermis, Wide excision


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